Proteins’ shape and function are two sides of the same coin

A model of a haemoglobin molecule

Source: © Keith Chambers/Science Photo Library

A new perspective on the relationship between chemistry and biology

From ensuring I eat enough proteins after training to using polypeptide enriched shampoos, proteins play many undoubtable functions in my daily life. The functionality of proteins also presents an interesting way to think about the relationship between chemistry and biology. One way to separate the two fields is to underline how biology deals with functions for living beings, while chemistry focuses on structure and reactions. Functions are the game of life while structure is the game of chemical molecules.

The matter becomes blurred when one considers disciplines at the border between the two, such as structural biology, molecular biology and biochemistry. With its focus on chemical processes that occur in living organisms, biochemistry in particular can be considered to be based on explaining and predicting the link between the structure of biomolecules and their function.