Rich chemistry revealed by tip microscopy pulses’ bond making and breaking

STM images

Source: © Science/AAAS

Using an STM, scientists have been able to precisely switch between three different molecules, opening the way to multiple selective transformations

Exquisite control over the types of bonds formed and broken in an organic molecule using a scanning probe microscope has been exercised by researchers. ‘This is awesome and very exciting work,’ comments Saw-Wai Hla from Ohio University in the US, who wasn’t involved in the research. ‘From an initial molecule, they produce three totally different molecules, which can be transformed from one to another at will and in a controlled manner with atomic precision.’ He notes that the bent alkyne obtained with a high voltage and the cyclobutadiene ring from the low voltage can be used as intermediates for many directed chemical reactions. ‘This level of selective control is very exciting,’ he says.